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Annotated Bibliography for the 84th Infantry Division

Websites pertaining to the 84th Infantry Division organized by unit/regiment

Click here to see books, articles and videos on the 84th Infantry Division in WWII


There is a huge debt of gratitude for Rick Bell's work on his website .  He has a large number of documents and pictures posted on the site.  Nearly all of the links posted below are from his website.  


84th Infantry Division HQs and division as a whole


84th photos by Maurice Miller  Original high quality photos from the 84th Infantry Division photographer of WWII.

84th Infantry in the Battle of the Ardennes The entire booklet is photographed in it's oriinal format.  

9th Army to the Roer  WWII era documentary about the crossing of the Roer River in February 1945.  

AB training @ Claiborne  A description of the air landing training that the 84th underwent prior to deploying to the ETO in the summer of 1944.  

Battle of the Bulge Part 1  Video produced in the mid 1960s with many 84th members telling their stories.  

Battle of the Bulge Part 2  Video produced in the mid 1960s with many 84th members telling their stories.  

Battle of the Bulge Part 3  Video produced in the mid 1960s with many 84th members telling their stories.  

Battle of Geilenkirchen  US Army publication that has information about Geilenkirchen

Division History, 84th inf Div  A short webpage summary of the overall division history since WWI.  It also has links.  

Camp Claiborne  Website for the 84th's second and most important training base prior to deployment to the ETO.  

Camp Claiborne Website  Official website of the Camp Claiborne Historical Society

The Cold Injury Record of the 84th Infantry Division  US Army Medical Corps study of the rate and types of cold weather inuries of the Railsplitters

Dr. Fritz Kraemer 84th Intelligence  Biography of Dr. Fritz Kraemer who served in high levels of the Pentagton after WWII.  He was also Henry Kissinger's mentor. They met in the 84th ID.   

Draper on Bulge  Text of the Theodore Draper pamphlet on the Battle of the Bulge.  This was later turned into the Draper history of the division.  

Family & Friends of the 84th Div  Facebook group for veterans and family members of the 84th ID in WWII.  

Geilenkirchen Advance in Germany 1944  Movietone news footage of the Geilenkirchen operation.  

History of The 84th Division  US Army Military History site with the history of the 84th ID.

Henry Kissinger at Camp Claiborne  Webpage gives an account of Henry Kissingers arrival at the camp and service with the 84th

Henry Kissinger recounts Liberating Concentration Camp Kissinger was assigned to the HQ of the division, Counter-intelligence Corp

In-Honor-Glory  Link to the American Military Cemetery Henri-Chapelle which is the final resting place of many 84th ID vets that fell in battle.  

List of WWII Troopship Crossings for the ETO in the Fall of 1944.

Panzers at Pufferdorf  Inside the Chieftan's Hatch article from Nicholas Moran about the Geilenkirchen operation.  

Search for 84th Unit Gravesite listings  Link to the American Battle Monuments Commission website for searching for veteran grave sites.   

The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge  US Army official history on the Battle of the Bulge.  

The Cost of Freedom  Mt Pleasant, PA article about five young men from their community that served in the 84th Infantry Division

The Story of the 84th Infantry Division  Text of a pamphlet produced by the Stars and Striped for members of the 84th ID.  

Tried By Fire Part 1  One hour documentary on the history of the 84th ID.  It was produced in the mid 60s and narrated by Paul Newman. 

Tried By Fire Part 2  One hour documentary on the history of the 84th ID.  It was produced in the mid 60s and narrated by Paul Newman. 

US Army History Center Survey and Holdings List  A list of all US Army History and Educational Center documents and which box they are located in at the USAHEC.  

Walter Chapman drawings  Drawings of the official 84th ID artist Walter Chapman as housed at the Brown University digital repository.  These are pencil sketches that have not been used in publications.    


333rd Infantry Regiment


?333 Dedication of Earnest Stanley Memorial Hall  San Carlos Apache Tribal Council dedicates hall to fallen 84th member.  If anyone knows the company please let me know using the link at the bottom.  

?333 Billy S. West Story of Training at Camp Wolters  If anyone knows the company please let me know below using the link.  

HQ Co 333 AT Plt S/Sgt Willard H. (Bud) Fluck  Nice summary of an individual experience during the Battle of the Bulge.  

AT333 Joe Balocco  Link to newspaper is broken.  


1st Battalion 333rd Infantry Regiment, Companies A, B, C, D


A333 Pfc Forrest Lothrop  Rick Bell video interview at Branson reunion 2008.  

A333 Bill Stafford Interview  Link to newspaper is broken

A333 Kenneth Ayers Interview Oral history interview from the University of South Florida.  

B333 S/Sgt Edward N. Ferrigno  Military Times article about valor of B333rd trooper.  .  

C333 Sgt James R. Kellogg  Silver Star Citation for C333rd member KIA'd.  

D333 Pfc. William F. Stehlin  Identification of long missing D333rd soldier.

D333 Pfc Edward L. O'Toole  Identification of long missing D333rd soldier.


2nd Battalion 333rd Infantry Regiment, Companies E, F, G, H


E333 Pfc Charles E. Casper  Military Times article about valor of C333rd trooper.    

E333 Christmas Eve has special meaning-J. Hyland  Story about E333rd member's life on Christmas Eve

F333 Frank Freese  Wisconsin Veteran's Project oral history of F333rd troop.  

333 S/Sgt Julius Karas  Military Times Valor page for 333rd trooper.  

G333 Hershel Holt T5  Link to Arkansas Educational Television story is broken. 

G333  Pfc T.O. Hester G & 2Bn Hq Co 333 Rick Bell video interview at 2008 Branson reunion.  

H&G333 Lt William Blair  Youtube interview with an officer in 2nd of the 333rd.  

H333 Scotty G. Ooten  Link to US Holocaust museum is broken.


3rd Battalion 333rd Infantry Regiment, Companies I, L, K, M


3BN 333 Medics T/5 Richard J ROUSH  Battle of the Bulge memories by an 84th medic.  

I333 story by Mathew Miletich  Story of an 84th trooper during the Battle of the Bulge

I333 Matthew J Miletich  Story of an 84th ID troop that ran into his sister in the ETO

I335 2Lt GARLINGTON  The Citadel's memory page for a fallen alum, an officer in the 84th.  

I335 Lt Kellahan  Video interview with 84th ID officer, Citadel graduate.  

L333 Pvt Robert H. Stott  Military Times valor page on a L333rd member.  

L333 T/Sgt Paul K. Ferdinanden Battle of the Bulge story from Verenden, print story

L333 T/Sgt  Paul K. Ferdinandsen  Audio interview with member of L333rd

K333 Pfc Bruce Morrell  Rick Bell video interview at 2008 Branson reunion 


334th Infantry Regiment


AT Co 334 2Lt Carl C. Palm  Military Times Valor page

1Bn AT Plt 334 Pvt Douglas Harvey Battle of the Bulge memories page from AT gunner.  

Med Det 334 T4 Robert E. Ward  Military Times Valor page

334th Inf 2Lt Marion L. Howard  Military Times Valoe page

334 looks for snipers  Two minute video of 334th troops passing through a town


1st Battalion 334th Infantry Regiment, Companies A, B, C, D


1Bn 334 Lt Col Lloyd H. Gomes  Military Times Valor page

B334 Henry Holbrook Gould  Webpage telling the WWII story of a B334th troop. 

B334 Ed Clark E-book/Interview From the Jackson WWII veterans project. 

C334 T/Sgt Orvis F. Hill Cemetery listing for C334th troop

D334 The Youngest Railsplitter  Youtube video, link appears to be broken

D334 The Youngest Railsplitter Part 2  Youtube video, link appears to be broken

D334 Lewis Bennett  Youtube interview with D334th veteran


2nd Battalion 334th Infantry Regiment, Companies E, F, G, H


2Bn 334 Col Henry E. Royall  Military Times Valor page

E334 O'Leary, John ., Sgt  Audio interview with E334th troop

E334 Art Mahler Memorial address given in Belgium in 2010 by E334th member.  

E334 T/Sgt Vincent Clementi  Military Times valor page

E334 Gene Wayne  Summary of E334th trooper's service

F334 Livy Goodman Rutgers oral history interview of F334th troop

G334 Pfc William H. Diehm  Rick Bell interview at the Branson Reunion 2008

G334 T/Sgt William B. Hawk, Jr.  Military Times Valor page

G334 Pfc Theodore White  Military Times Valor page

H334/2Bn 334 Capt/Maj Johnson  Pamphlet about H Company and 2nd-334th IR commander


3rd Battalion 334th Infantry Regiment, Companies I, L, K, M


334 3nd Btn Attack on Beek  Infantry school paper from 1949 about attack

I334 PVT Clarence E. McCollum KIA 20 Nov 1944  Story by a son about his father.  

I334 WWII American Orphans Network page for I334th.  

L334 Frank Gimpel Interview although link is broken

L334 2Lt William L. Nelson Military Times Valor page

L334 S/Sgt Maurice R. Kyne  Military Times Valor page

L334 Pfc Roy B. Turner Military Times Valor page

L334 Lt Albert N. GARLAND  Battle of the Bulge story of officer

K334  King Company at Bloody Lindern Warfare History Network web article, nicely done.  


335th Infantry Regiment


?335 Tourie Briggs Rickenbaker webpage  Clemson University alumni that earned a Silver Star on the 25th of Feb 1945.  If anyone knows the exact company, please let me know.  

HQ Co 335 Vernon Tott Audio speech by Henry Kissinger at the opening of the film Angel of Ahlem

Hq Co 335 Vernon Tott Angel of Ahlem Documentary about an 84th troop's role in the liberation of a concentration camp

AT335 George I. Migl  Article about AT gunner in the 335th Infantry

?335  Leslie Bigelow Collection Items in the Pritzker Military Museum in Chicago from a 335th vet. If anyone knows the company please let me know.  

Med Det 335 T5 Willis B. Hall Military Times Valor page

Med Det 335 Pvt John E. Housley Military Times Valor page

335th Inf 2Lt Charles I. McCaskey Military Times Valor page

335th Inf 2Lt Roy L. Anderson Military Times Valor page


1st Battalion 335th Infantry Regiment, Companies A, B, C, D


B335 David Press Broken link

C335 Sgt William John Vincent, Jr.  Military Times Valor page


2nd Battalion 335th Infantry Regiment, Companies E, F, G, H


E335 Herb Siebert  Interview and information about E335th troop. 

F335 John J. Costello  Story of a man KIAd in the 84th

G335 Pfc Bill Tyra  Rick Bell interview at the Branson 2008 reunion

G335 Fritz Kraemer Euology by Henry Kissinger

H335 Bob Reid  Story of 84th vet during battle of the Bulge

H335 Bob Reid's trip  Story of 84th vet's trip back to Europe to visit battle sites

H335 Roy W. Brown Rutgers Oral History Interview, link is broken


3rd Battalion 335th Infantry Regiment, Companies I, L, K, M


HQ 3BN 335 CO Capt Charles Boswell History of 84th officer and blind golfer/philaphorpist  

3Bn 335 Medics T/3 Herbert REIMAN Battle of the Bulge stories of a 335th medic

I335 Pfc Harry Gubino Military Times Valor page

I335 2Lt Creswell Garlington, Jr. Military Times Valor page

K335 message board  Message board for members and family of K335th

K335 Defense of Marche's area  Detailed story of defense of Marche by recon officer

L335th Inf Pfc Edward F. Servis, Jr  Military Times Valor page

L335 Pfc Joseph Quinlan Military Times Valor page

L335 Buck Morgan  Bulge veterans recalls experiences on the 70th anniversary


309th Engineer Battalion


309th Engineer Combat 2nd Lt. James Clyde Slavens Webpage about officer in the engineers in the 84th about building the Roer river bridge

A309th Eng Sgt Defries Letters  Wartime love letters of a WWII 84th engineer.  

C309th Eng Bn Sgt Alphonse G. York  Battle of the Bulge story of an 84th engineer.  

C309th Eng Bn T4 Roman A. Diaz  Military Times Valor page


Artillery Units


HQ bat 326th FA Bn Bradshaw  Story of a 326th FA troop's volunteering at the VA

325th FA Capt. Donald Lee  Rick Bell interview at Branson 2008 reunion.

327FA Batt C Thomas R. Brogdon Day 1  Video interview with 327th FA member 

327FA Batt C Thomas R. Brogdon Day 2 Video interview with 327th FA member 

327 FA Major Viktor Maleski  Belgian history page for a 84th FA troop

909th FA 1Lt Marvin R. Weinberg Military Times Valor page

C909th FA T4 John L. Greskiewicz  Military Times Valor page

909th FA Bn, Flores, Jorge S., Pfc  Broken link


557th AAA


557 AA (attached)  Nice history of the 557th AAA with lots of photos etc

557 AAA History  Webpage devoted to the history of the 557th AAA



If there are additional websites about the 84th Infantry Division in WWII not listed here, please email the webmaster and we will add them. 

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