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The intent of these uniform and equipment guidelines is to create the correct impression of the uniforms and equipment worn by members of the 84th Infantry division in World War II in Europe.  The 84th arrived in he ETO in late September of 1944 directly from the United States, and received its issue of new stocks in the United States during July and August of 1944 at Camp Claiborne, LA.  The new uniforms were bagged and not issued until prior to moving to the Port of Embarkation, Camp Kilmer, NJ, in early Sept of 1944.    Because of this, the impression was much more uniform than the units that were stationed in England and fought in France through the summer.

The "standard" Railsplitter impression is based upon the M-1943 combat uniform.  Viewing photos from the primary source documents on the 84th shows nearly all troops wearing M-43 field jackets with wool pants.  Footwear is consistently the double buckle boot or winter footwear.  Very few pictures show any leggings in the ETO on Railsplitters.  Field gear is consistently khaki.  Steel helmets sometimes had nets, and after late February of 1945 most were painted with a red/white Railsplitter patch on the front.


This is based upon research of the division.  If additional evidence arises, then pass it to Capt Scherrer for review. 

Based upon this research to create the correct impression, these are the uniform requirements for the recreated Company H, 334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division


Uniform, Equipment, and Grooming Standards for Company H,

334th Infantry Regiment, 84th Infantry Division, WWIIHRS


Personal Grooming
Hair must conform to WWII standards.  No beards may be worn, and mustaches must be trimmed to the edge of the mouth.  Hair must also be trimmed to meet WWII standards.  This means off the ears and tapered in the back.  This does not mean a buzz cut like the 50s, but the basic standard must be met.  If in doubt about the standard, contact Capt. Scherrer for clarification.  If you arrive incorrect for an event, you must fix it before you play, or go home!  No exceptions!


- M-1 helmet, with or without a helmet net.  Includes liner and both leather and canvas chinstraps.  Canvas chinstrap is the one to be worn and the leather strap remains on the top of the helmet.  Canvas chinstrap may be either OD green or khaki, with khaki preferred.
- M-43 field jacket with 84th patch on left shoulder: originals, Norwegian or reproduction.  Combat patches may be worn if actually earned in US Army and are authentic to WWII period. 

-The M-38/41 field jacket is acceptable in small numbers in the unit.  Evidence shows maybe 1 in 10 wearing them.

-The Winter Combat Jacket should be limited to members of armored or tracked vehicle crews, NCOs or officers.

-The Mackinaw jacket and woolen overcoat are authorized in cold weather.  They were worn without standardization in the division based upon personal desire and availability. 
- M-1938 mustard brown field shirt: original or reproduction, 84th Division patch on left shoulder, see the patches link on the home page for examples of patches.  Combat patches may be worn if actually earned and correct to WWII (NO MACV!!).  Officer’s shirts should have epaulets. 
- M-1938 mustard brown field pant: original or reproduction.  The Railsplitters did not use the M-1943 field pants in the ETO.  The M-43 pant was not accepted except for airborne usage in the ETO. 

- Khaki belt with open-faced buckle for EM.  Shiny buckle with clasp for officers.
- Brown double-buckle boots: original or reproduction.  Ankle boots with leggings are acceptable for new members, or those who cannot find double buckle boots their size.  French 2 buckle boots are no longer authorized, except as cut down ankle boots worn with leggings. 

-Shoe pacs and rubber overshoes are authorized in cold and wet weather environments.  Rubber overshoes may also be used to conceal incorrect boots. 
- Brown five-button sweater: Current US Army sweater with changed buttons.  The new reproduction sweaters are very nice.  Sleeveless V neck sweaters, turtleneck and sleeved V neck sweatyers are authorized, as well as reasonable sweaters that might have been knitted by families.
- Brown scarf: current US Army scarf or repro WWII GI scarf.
- Overseas cap with blue piping: original or reproduction, with 334th Insignia. 
- Gloves: original or reproduction brown gloves, current US Army green are OK if dyed.

-Jeep cap

Field Gear
All gear to be earlier khaki.  One or two items may be later green color, but the gear should be predominantly kahki..  May be original or reproduction.


- M-1923 cartridge belt: for those with M-1 Garand of 1903 Springfield Rifles
- M-1936 pistol belt: for those with M-1 Carbine, Thompson, Grease Gun.  BAR belt should be worn by BAR gunners.
- M-1910 canteen, cup and cover: ensure canteen has correct lid and cup has correct handle.  Two canteen are preferred but one is the minimum.  As long as it looks WWII, I won't be checking dates!
- M-1942 first aid pouch.
- M-1928 pack/haversack, should be used primarily by EM’s, and should be the dominant field gear for EM’s. 
- M-1936 suspenders for officers and drivers.
- Raincoat/poncho:  raincoat is preferred but poncho works as well.  Poncho should be OD green and not have a hood.
-M-6 gas mask bag

-Shovels: either the T-handle or folding shovel are correct.  Pictures show the vast majority of shovels were folding type, however the T-handle likely stayed with the division for a long time as well.  Pick mattocks and hatchets may be carried in small numbers. 

Cold Weather Clothing
- Wool overcoat
- Mackinaw Jackets: may be worn by members in cold weather, or by vehicle drivers in lieu of the field jacket. 

-Officer’s field coat is authorized for commissioned and warrant officers. 
- Shoepacks or four-buckle over-boots


Class A Uniforms:


Enlisted Personnel:  In the ETO EM’s predominantly wore the Eisenhower jacket, with overseas cap, and double buckle boots in lieu of the dress shoes.  The four-pocket jacket is acceptable too although photographs show the majority wore the Ike jacket. 


Officers:  In the ETO, officers predominantly wore the Eisenhower officer jacket, pink or chocolate shirts/pants, and dress shoes, although senior officers tended to wear the four pocket jacket.    The overseas cap was the hat of choice. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid
- Don't wear a white or OD green t-shirt under your uniform where it can be seen.  V-neck shirts work
  much better and you cannot see them.  The only correct undershirt for WWII is the green tank-top/wife beater type shirt.
- Wearing Railsplitter patches in the wrong position, typically too low on the shoulder or turned to have the axe hitting a verticle tree.  The log should be horizontal with the axe handle pointing to the 2 o’clock position. 
- Using the wrong 84th patches.  Use 84th patches with the OD green border and not the emerald green border.  The OD green patches were used through the 50s until the Army changed to the emerald green uniform.  Khaki border patches are also not WWII correct. 

Site last updated 01/08/2019

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