What's new:
1 Nov 15: Weldonkrieg website is now active
After serious consideration, the WK staff would like to make the following announcement:
Due to several work conflicts beyond our control, the Weldonkrieg staff have decided to cancel Weldonkrieg 2022. It was not an easy decision to cancel a popular tactctial event because we know private events of this calibre are hard to find.
The Weldonkrieg Staff
Thank You,
Weldonkrieg Event Staff Allied and Axis
Haupt. Earl Overschmidt
Commander, 1./ Jägerregiment .38 (HRS)
Weldonkrieg Axis Coordinator
Since 2020 was cancelled we have nearly all the planning done for the next Weldonkrieg.
Weldonkrieg 2022 WWII Reenactment
Weldonkrieg is a WWII tactical battle sponsored by the .38th Jagers and 84th Railspliters at the Weldon Spring Reserve Training Site on 25-27 March 2022. Attendance is over 300, which makes it the largest tactical event in the Midwest. The event cost is $25 and includes a Saturday night chicken dinner. WWII HRS safety and authenticity standards will be in effect.a Facebook page has been created to put out the latest .
It is not open to the public or spectators.