Weldonkrieg: A True Story about pretend war
In January of 2014, before the first Weldonkrieg event, the WK organizers were approached by 88mm Productions and Chris Grega to make a documentary about Weldonkrieg as an event, the hobby of WWII reenacting and the Weldon Spring training site's unique history.
Filming began in February and continued through the event in March of 2014. Four film crews from 88mm productions imbeddded inside the Allied and Axis forces for the reenactment. They wore correct WWII uniforms and captured the event. Post production began immediately after the event and additioning filmiing was done through the next year.
Weldonkrieg previewed on Sunday the 19th of July 2015 at the Tivoli Theater in St Louis as part of the St. Louis Filmmaker's Showcase. It is currently being completed and working distribution deals, and film festival showings.